Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Dear Mom-Preneurs & Prego-Preneurs.. help!

Dear Mom-Preneurs, while I have always been a big fan of mom entrepreneurs (and all female entrepreneurs for that matter) I can finally say that I have a new fondness for mom-preneurs.

Since I (Melissa Beth) will be the newest addition to the club this October!! So moms you will have to teach me the ropes of juggling baby and bis! I will need the nitty gritty and your BEST tips/advice.

Help me find the best mom-preneur blogs, mommy blogs and prego blogs.
Send us a line (sales@melissabeth.com) or comment below on the best sites to visit!!
I am going to need all the help I can get.

So for now I am just a prego-preneur. If that is not already coined term than it should be!
(You heard it here first!)

So to show my LOVE for mom-preneurs and so you will accept me with my open arms into your clubs, I am marking down all of our diaper bags 50% off or more!

Get your diaper bag while quantities last.

1 comment:

  1. Love "prego-preneur"!! My guys are 8 & 10 and I just recently went from SAHM to mom-preneur...I too am still looking for some interesting mom blogs...I am wildly enthusiastic about discovering your designs though! Congrats & best wishes!!
