Businesses need interns and college grads, you need internships.
This recent article on CNN Living highlights the importance for job seekers to have an internship.
Benefits for potential interns:
Besides getting a foot in the door with a potential employer and looking good on a résumé, internships have other advantages:
• The opportunity to "test drive" a career (Would I be happier in marketing or advertising? Am I more comfortable working with patients or in a lab?)
• Chances to network
• Establishing relationships with mentors
• Possible college credit or certification
• An introduction to the field's culture and etiquette (Are clients addressed by their first name? Are jeans appropriate for Casual Friday?)
• Accumulating new skills
• Gaining a "real world" perspective on an occupation (How much overtime do employees really work? How much time is spent behind a desk versus in the field?)
Check out the article which talks about other benefits for employers.
Interested in an internship at Melissa Beth? We are currently looking for marketing/PR interns and graphic designers. You do not need to be located in Toronto.
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