Five Easy Ways to Stay (or Get) Inspired.
1. Hang out with people who are energized and are excited about what they do. Trust me-their enthusiasm will rub off on you. You may even find you can share ideas and help each other.
2. Draw upon nature for inspiration in your designs, colors and patterns. You will be amazed at what you see if you just take a closer look.
3. Make a plan. Maybe its been a while since you made a plan for yourself. Write down your goals and what you would like to achieve. You will naturally be inclined to achieve your goals if you put them down on paper and hold yourself accountable.
4. Travel. You don't have to go far- but if you can, do it. You will naturally be inspired by the people, culture and landscape. One of our new neoprene laptop sleeve prints (which will fit 10.2" netbooks, available this August) was inspired from this window in India.

5. Review. It's time to look at your accomplishments and praise yourself. It's easy to push yourself down sometimes, so now its time to be your very own cheerleader and pull yourself up. If you can see how far you have come and what you have achieved it will motivate you to keep moving forward.